pets care-cat

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Protect cat/kitten from disease

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Sharing a home with a healthy cat is fun for the entire family. Follow the steps below to increase your pet's chances of avoiding serious health problems and living a long and happy life.
1. Speak with a veterinarian about preventive health care before selecting a cat.

2. Choose a cat with no signs of disease. Bright eyes and playful behavior are indicators of good health.

3. Take your cat to the vet within three days for examination, testing and vaccinations.

4. Follow vaccination protocols closely. Booster vaccinations, if advised, are important.

5. Isolate your cat from strays and other cats until her vaccination series is completed.

6. Keep her inside at all times. Cats adapt quickly and are safer indoors.

7. Schedule an ovariohysterectomy by 6 months of age. (Male cats should be neutered by 9 months.)
8. Feed your cat a proper diet during all life stages and avoid allowing her to get fat.

9. Provide her with toys and things to climb on so she stays active and playful.

10. Groom her daily so you are aware of her health status at all times.

11. Schedule an appointment for a complete physical examination each year.

Tips: Average life expectancy for cats is 14 years but cats can live to be over 20. Ideal age for adoption is 7 to 8 weeks. Most experts agree that adopting two cats at once has benefits for all.

Warnings!!: While vaccinations are not a guarantee of protection from disease, and complications do occur, benefits greatly outweigh risks. Discuss these issues with your veterinarian.



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